Monday, June 06, 2005

Intent driven search from Yahoo!

OK..Finally something new & cool & it is not from Google!!!

One of the biggest drawbacks of search technology is that it is keyword based
& doesnt provide a mechanism for specifying intent(why we are looking, for what we are looking for :) )

Yahoo seems to have comeup with something in this area.

Though I am not sure if Shopping V/s research dimension alone will be enough.
Ck it out at Yahoo! Mindset Search

AJAX the new Buzzword

AJAX (asynchronus JavaScript & XML) is the latest buzzword in Nerddom.
It probably has had the shortest concept to WSJ time of tech trends.

Basically it is an approach to provide a richer client experience, by breaking the tight coupling between, user events & the request-response round trip to the server.

This basically gives the developer an opportunity to provide a higher responsive user-exerience.